The surface of the open wound is inevitably the seat of infection, which stimulates further vascularity. 开发性伤口的表面,不可避免地会成为感染的场所,这就进一步刺激血管形成。
The open wound soon became infected. 敞露的伤口很快受到了感染。
The divide between North and south is an open wound. Kansas bleeds for two years, more than 200 dead. 南北分歧成为了一个裸露的伤口,堪萨斯州为此流血两年,逾两百人丧生。
OBJECTIVE To understand the condition of the open wound and the infection in traumatic patients. 目的了解创伤患者开放伤口合并细菌感染的情况。
A continuously open wound inhibits anabolism. 持续存在的开放伤口,会抑制合成代谢。
Application of Tetanus Immune Globulin in Patients with Open Wound Allergic to the TAT 破伤风免疫球蛋白在TAT过敏患者中的应用
How it's transmitted: People who eat raw shellfish, particularly oysters, are at risk, as are those with compromised immune systems who swim in salt water with an open wound. 它传播的方式:人在吃蛤蜊等海鲜后会遭遇风险。带开放性伤口在咸水中游泳时也一样。
"The other was infection, however well the operation was done, the patient often died afterward from infection in the open wound." “另一个原因是感染,不论手术多么成功,病人常常在手术后死于刀口的感染。”
Along with the bone damage there is a risk of infection in the open wound. 在骨头损坏的同时,还存在裂开伤口感染的危险。
Open wound, skin disease, eye illness are unsuitable to swim. 有开放性伤口、皮肤病、眼疾不宜游泳。
Some might even call it an open wound. 一些人可能甚至称之为尚未愈合的伤口。
Target monitoring and relative factors of open wound infection of earthquake casualty 地震伤员开放性伤口感染相关因素及目标监测
The exposed northeast frontier; open to the weather; an open wound. 无遮蔽的东北边境;经受风吹雨打;裸露的伤口。
But if the killer had an open wound. 但是如果凶手身上有伤口。
Ten years ago, there was an open wound and twisted steel, a broken heart in the center of this city. 十年前,这座城市的中心受到重创,留下一根根扭曲的钢梁和一颗颗破碎的心。
Bone fracture associated with lacerated soft tissue or an open wound. 骨头断裂软组织受到破坏。
The injury may hae been an open wound that became infected and ultimately killed the king. 骨折很可能是开放性的并导致了炎症感染,最终夺走了法老的生命。
Clinic Observation of Microwave Exposure to Abdominal Part Spilt Open Wound Healing 微波照射促进腹部裂开伤口愈合的临床观察
Methods Anatomical principle and combined operations of fistulectomy, sphincter preservation, suturing internal stoma, and open wound were utilized to treat high complex anal fistula. 方法应用解剖学原理,行瘘管切除、保留括约肌、内口缝合、创面开放术式,对高位复杂性肛瘘进行手术治疗。
Open Wound Patients with Infection: Surveillance and Treatment 开放伤口并感染患者的监测及治疗
Results The result shows that in 12939 accidental injury cases, the top four types of injury are fracture, open wound, parenchyma trauma and foreign body. 结果12939例意外伤害住院儿童中,损伤类型前四位是骨折、开放性损伤、软组织损伤和异物。
Methods: The effects of four procedures, including direct located sewing, shortening phalange sewing, immediate abdominal flap repair, and exchanging dressings on open wound for a few days before repairing the wound with flap, were compared in 68 cases of the victims. 方法:对68例儿童手严重爆炸伤皮肤缺损的直接定位缝合、短缩指骨缝合、皮瓣修复以及开放伤口二期修复等处理方法进行分析。
The leading four injury types were superficial injury, open wound, fracture and poisoning. 浅表损伤、开放性伤口、骨折、中毒居伤害程度前4位。
Conclusion ① The main therapy for open wound in posterior urethra in children is operation. 结论①儿童外伤性尿道狭窄有其特殊性,但开放性手术仍为其主要治疗手段。
The predominate injury was open wound of eyeball; 外伤性质以眼球开放性损伤居多;
Methods: 30 dry tibia and 30 cms speciment were observed. Along tbe open wound, small cuts were made, and thorough extend wound excision was performed, then tibia was inner-fixed by Ender nail. 方法:观测了30根干燥胫骨及30侧小腿标本,临床手术沿开放伤口作小切口彻底清创,Ender钉内固定胫骨。
A Retrospective Study of Neurogenic Pulmonary Edema Following Intracranial Injury Without Open Wound 闭合性颅脑损伤后神经源性肺水肿的回顾性研究
The property of injury were mainly open wound ( 41.1%), superficial wound ( 31.2%), and fracture ( 11.3%). 伤害性质主要是开放性伤口(41.1%)、浅表伤(31.2%)、骨折(11.3%);
Objective: 1. To investigate a three A-level general hospital open wound extremities injury patients 'distribution of the original bacteria to explore the different factors of the wound-positive detection rate of pathogenic bacteria and the number of detected pathogen bacteria. 目目的:1.调查某三级甲等综合性医院四肢开放伤创面病原菌分布情况,探讨不同因素对创面病原菌阳性检出率及病原菌检出菌种数的影响。
Strict grasp the timing of surgery, immediate surgical must be done if the patients were accompanied by an open wound or acute compartment syndrome or with vascular nerve injury, the remaining cases should improve the situation to be soft tissue first and then choose surgery time. 严格把握好手术时机,除非是伴有开放伤、急性骨筋膜室综合征或合并血管神经损伤等情况需要立即行手术,其余情况不宜马上手术,待软组织情况改善后再行手术。